Privacy policy

Data privacy policy

Register holder

Li'l Decor Finland Ltd
Aholantie 4, 71800 Siilinjarvi

 Person responsible for the register 

Niina Heikura
+358- 44 - 025 0075

Official name of the register 

Marketing register of Lil Decor Finland Ltd

Purpose of the register and usage of personal data 

Personal data from the register may be used for the following purposes:

- Managing and developing customer relations

The data stored in the register can be used to enhance the services we offer. This information may not be passed on to third parties for marketing purposes. Information may nevertheless be shared for purposes unrelated to marketing, with the exception of any potentially sensitive information, including personal social security numbers. 

 The information content of the register

The register may contain the following information:

- Contact details, including names, addresses, telephone numbers, e-mail addresses

- Information on age, sex, profession and native language

- Information needed for a customer relationship, such as billing and payment details, information on orders and products, customer feedback and contacts, competition entries and answers, and details of any cancellations

- Any other information compiled with customers’ consent

 Legally permissible data sources

Register holder will register the information that the user himself is reported using online store.

Legal permissibility of transfers of data outside the European Union and the European Economic Area 

No personal data will be supplied to any party outside the European Union.


Principles for data privacy protection in relation to the register

Data of the register will be stored in secure premises. The digital data on the register is stored in locked premises that are supervised round the clock. Access to this information is protected using security systems, codes and passwords; and it is stored in full accordance with good information security practices. The system information stored in the registry can be accessed only by certain authorized and pre-defined registrar employees